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【来源: | 发布日期:2013-10-17 】

CLEF 2013: Call for Proposals




办的第四届中文教学论坛将于 2013 年 10 月 18-19 日在旧金山机场威斯汀酒店召开。

今年大会主题是“中文:21 世纪技能”。大会现面向全球征集 30 分钟演讲报告提要,


换和扩展,以及其他您感兴趣的话题。我们诚邀您在 2013 年 6 月 10 日之前在线提交 450字以内的提要。大会将于 2013 年 7 月 19 日前通过电邮发送评选结果。在线提交网站:www.go-clef.org 电邮info@go-clef.org;电话:(408) 380-8088。

CLEF is an annual event dedicated to bringing together K-16 teachers,

scholars, educational administrators, policymakers and other professionals in the field of Chinese language educationworldwide to share best practices, research findings and inspiring ideas.

Hosted by the Chinese Language Education and Research Center (CLERC) and in collaboration with the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS), the 4th CLEF will be held at the Westin San Francisco Airport, Oct. 18-19, 2013. Under the conference theme “Chinese: 21st Century Skill”, we welcome proposals for 30-minute sessions

in the following topics and the topic of your choice:

· Techniques that today’s Chinese language educators must have

· Technology in and out of the classroom

· Research findings and the impact on K-16 Chinese language education

· Programs building, transitioning and expanding

Please submit your proposal online by June 10, 2013. The maximum length of a proposal shall be 450 words (in English or Chinese). Notice of proposal review results will be sent out via email by July 19, 2013. To submit your proposal and for more information, please go to www.go-clef.org Contact us by email: info@go-clef.org; Phone: (408) 380-8088.